Widgets: A Graphical Interface for Windows
Widgets are lightweight graphical Windows programs that allow you to execute LANDIS-II scenarios without opening a command prompt. If you don't know what a command prompt is, Widgets are for you!
Contact: Robert Scheller, Portland State University
Copyright: Portland State University
Latest release: Version 1.1 — December, 2015 (Download)
Brief Description: There are currently two Widgets available: the Landis-II Launcher and the Landis-II Replicator. The Launcher allows you to select a scenario configuration text file and run it. You can also validate the configuration before you run it and review the log after the scenario completes.
The Replicator provides the capability to launch multiple runs of one or more scenarios. These scenarios run unattended so you can configure them and walk away. The output is similar to the Launcher.
Important Note: You MUST have the final release of LANDIS-II v6.0 installed. The Widgets will not work with earlier beta releases.
Developers: Lesley Bross, Portland State University
Lineage: Requires LANDIS-II v6.0 final release
How to cite: TBD
Compatible Disturbance Extensions: All
Compatible Output Extensions: All