LandViz: Visualizing Model Outputs Via Web Sites
LandViz is a visualization tool that allows researchers or managers to quickly and easily view LANDIS-II output. Contact: Robert Scheller, North Carolina State University
Latest release: Version 1.2 - April 2018 (Download)
View Quick Instructions (PDF): Quick instructions (2 pages) for navigating a LandViz website.
View End User Guide (PDF): More detailed directions for navigating a LandViz website.
View Model User Guide (PDF): Directions for creating a LandViz website.
View an example HERE
Brief Description: This visualization tool is an easy-to-use software that allows researchers, managers or non-modelers to conduct visual comparisons of LANDIS-II output. The user activates a website link (generated by the modeler, see below) to use the Viz Tool. The tool allows the user to select the attributes of interest (e.g. aspen biomass, forest type) and display them. Multiple attributes (or scenarios) can be displayed in tiled windows that have synchronized pan, zoom and animation of time series. This is particularly useful for viewing multiple maps at one time and synchronizing their scale and colors. The tool can also be used to create charts to assess the temporal trends. With only two clicks, any parameter of interest (e.g. total biomass, intensity and size of disturbance events, etc.) can be viewed over time as a simple graph.
Prior to using the Viz Tool, the modeler runs LANDIS-II (see list of compatible extensions below) to generate output (e.g. csv files, img file). Then the modeler runs a pre-processing tool (PreProc Tool) that automatically sets tool defaults (e.g. projection, landscape extent, resolution, etc.) and creates a link (i.e. website) for the Viz Tool.
This visualization tool was developed with colleagues Johannes Liem and Helen Jenny at Oregon State University. This tool was designed to be an easy, point and click tool for forest managers to view LANDIS-II output without having to use ArcMap. The tool is configured for use with the Century succession extension and disturbance extensions like wind, fire and insects (BDA and insect leaf biomass), but can be easily adapted for use with any models.
LandViz was released in Nov 2016 and is described in the GTR below:
Developers: Johannes Liem, Oregon State University; Helen Jenny, Oregon State University; Robert Scheller, North Carolina State University; Melissa Lucash, Portland State University
How to cite: Gustafson, Eric; Lucash, Melissa; Liem, Johannes; Jenny, Helen; Scheller, Rob; Barrett, Kelly, Brian Sturtevant. 2016. Seeing the future impacts of climate change and forest management: a landscape visualization system for forest managers. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-164. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 18 p.