New version of LANDIS-II succession extension: NECN-Succession v4.1

Post date: Sep 16, 2016 2:37:9 PM

We renamed the Century Succession extension to the Net Ecosystem Carbon and Nitrogen (NECN) Succession extension. We made this change because this extension is so substantially different from the original Century model that the name is no longer justified.

As in previous versions, NECN simulates monthly growth (including competition among tree species cohorts), mortality and reproduction using species’ life history strategies. NECN also tracks carbon, nitrogen and water cycling both above- and belowground (roots + soil) and simulates feedbacks between them.

In addition, NECN now uses the newly-released Biomass Libraries. This enables NECN to use the same biomass extensions as Biomass and PnET Succession. All the Leaf Biomass extensions therefore will be retired.


Robert Scheller, Portland State University, Portland, OR USA

Melissa Lucash, Portland State University, Portland, OR USA